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37th Symposium of Northeastern   
Accelerator Personnel   
IReS - Strasbourg - FR   
13 to 16 October, 2003   

Social program

As every year, the program includes a visit of our Laboratory (IReS), an excursion through the Alsace region, followed by a banquet in the evening. All these activities are included in the registration fee. Detailed information will be given during the conference.

Companion Program

With the Conference badge, you will find, among other documents, a specific envelope containing a "Tour Pass" and 5 bus/tram tickets.

The Tour Pass includes free tickets for :

  • The visit of one museum of Strasbourg
  • The ascent to the Cathedral platform
  • The boat-tour through Strasbourg
  • The visit of the astronomical clock of the Cathedral (12:30 a.m.)

And half prices for :

  • The visit of a second museum
  • The tour with the mini-train

If you follow the Companion program, you will need the boat-tour and the museum tickets. Please have them with you on the tour.

Monday, October 13, 2003
2:30 pm Boat-tour through Strasbourg
Appointment: 2:30 p.m. in the hall of the NOVOTEL
Tuesday, October 14, 2003
2:00 pm Tour in Alsace by bus
8:00 pm Conference dinner
Wednesday, October 14, 2003
2:30 pm Visit of the museum of folk art
Appointment: 2:30 p.m. in the hall of the NOVOTEL
6:00 pm Visit of the Vivitron and Buffet at IReS Laboratory
Appointment: 6:00 p.m. in the hall of the NOVOTEL

Other information concerning the general program will be given at the beginning of the Conference.

The companion registration fee is 70 €. It includes touristic activities, the excursion afternoon through Alsace and the banquet. To share the lunch at the hotel with the attendees, companions will have to reserve the day before and pay directly at the hotel desk.

The contact for the Companions during the SNEAP 2003 week is Elyette Jegham.

You can also visit the following URL :
Strasbourg Tourist Office
Book your trip in Strasbourg (in French)


WebDesign N.B.
© IReS 2002