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37th Symposium of Northeastern   
Accelerator Personnel   
IReS - Strasbourg - FR   
13 to 16 October, 2003   

What is SNEAP ?

SNEAP is a community of personnel involved with electrostatic particle accelerators and their use. Founded in 1968, the community meets annually to discuss and exchange information for the benefit of all present.

The topics covered include ion sources, electrostatic accelerators, telemetry and control systems, cryogenic systems, safety issues and many other subjects relevant to the operation of small to large sized electrostatic accelerators.

The meeting format includes submitted papers, laboratory reports, contributed papers and open discussions. Space for vendors is made available to permit attendees to speak directly with manufacturers and their representatives and to inspect many new devices and products.

Attendees include representatives from Universities, National Laboratories, and Industrial Research Laboratories from many countries including Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Russia, Sweden, Netherlands, U.S. and others.

SNEAP mailing list

To subscribe to the mailing list of the community, to have a look at the collection of prior postings on the list or to send an email to the members, just visit the page :

SNEAP archives

Sneap 18 (Stony Brook, 1984)

Sneap 29 (TUNL, 1995)

Sneap 30 (Woods Hole, 1996)

Sneap 31 (Jülich, 1997)

Sneap 32 (ANL, 1998)

Sneap 33 (ORNL, 1999)

Sneap 34 (Yale, 2000)

Sneap 35 (Lund, 2001)

Sneap 36 (Louisiana Accel. Center, 2002)

Other SNEAP-related websites

SNEAP Web site at TUNL

Particle Accelerators Around the World

Radio-carbon Laboratories Worldwide

Pelletron Installations Worldwide

Other SNEAP links


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© IReS 2002