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37th Symposium of Northeastern   
Accelerator Personnel   
IReS - Strasbourg - FR   
13 to 16 October, 2003   

Registration is closed   


The SNEAP conference assembles a community of individuals involved in the construction, operation and applications of electrostatic particle accelerators and boosters.

The topics covered include ion sources, beam optics, control systems and many other subjects relevant to electrostatic accelerators. Individuals and companies interested in making presentations are invited to submit proposals.

list of attendees


The next SNEAP meeting will be held in Strasbourg, France, from October 13 to 16, 2003. It is organized by the Vivitron group of the IReS.

Institut de Recherches Subatomiques
SNEAP 2003 Organizing Committee
23 rue du Loess - BP28
67037 STRASBOURG cedex 2
TEL : +33 388106789
FAX : +33 388106479


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