Instructions for Authors of Papers Submitted for Publication in the Proceedings of the 37th Symposium of Northeastern Accelerator Personnel. N.Busser IReS, 23 rue du Loess, F-67037 Strasbourg cedex 2 Abstract : Detailed instructions for the preparation of manuscripts in camera-ready format for publication in the proceedings of the 37th Symposium of Northeastern Accelerator Personnel. The final deadline for submission of contributions is the last day of the conference : October 16th 2003. Authors should submit a hard copy and an electronic file of their paper (PDF, PowerPoint or Word version). |
I. Format of the manuscript Manuscripts must be printed on only one side of a page. The paper size must be Letter (or A4). A. Margins and Two-Column Format The margins of your document are in Table 1. Table 1: Margins Specifications
Manuscripts must have two columns per page. Column width should be 8.9 cm (8.6cm for an A4 page) with 1 cm spacing between the 2 columns. B. Fonts Please use only TIMES (in roman, bold or italic) and symbol. The main body of the manuscript should be in 10 point font. Please see Table 2, Summary of all styles and fonts, at the end of the document. C. Title of paper and Authors The title must be centred, 14 point font, Bold, with upper and lowercase letters. Please avoid using all uppercase letters. The initial(s) followed by the last name(s) of the author(s), their organisations, mailing addresses and email addresses should appear on separate lines (see the beginning of this document). D. Headings formats Main headings: 11 point font, Bold, Left justified, Roman numerals [I., II., III., etc...] Subheadings: 11 point font, Italics, Left justified, Capital letters [A., B., C., etc..], Vertical spacing: 8 pt before, 4 pt after. 1) Sub-subheadings: 10 point font, Italics, Left justified, Arabic numerals [1), 2), 3) etc..], Vertical spacing: 8 pt before, 4 pt after. Please see Table 2, Summary of all styles and fonts.
II. Figures and tables Place figures and tables as close to where they are mentioned in the text, as possible. All tables and figures must be given sequential numbers. A. Table captions Table captions must be 9 point font, centred above the table, arabic numerals, vertical spacing 10pt before, 4pt after (Table 1 : xxxx). B. Figure captions Figure captions must be 9 point font, left justified, below the figure, arabic numerals, vertical spacing 10pt after (Figure 1: xxxx). If needed, tables and figures may span the whole page. Figure 1: the tramway in Strasbourg Photographs and figures must be embedded into the file with a resolution of 600 dot/inch or higher. It is better to save the image as a TIFF file. If you are importing colour images, please verify the quality of the text and patterns of your image when it is printed in black and white. III. References All bibliographical references should be numbered and listed at the end of the paper in a section called "REFERENCES". When referring to a reference in the text, place the corresponding reference number in square brackets [1], [2], [3], etc... IV. Page numbers DO NOT paginate your manuscript. If you do, please number by hand on the back of each page. V. Length of the manuscript Up to 8 pages, including diagrams and references. |
Table 2 : Summary table of required styles.